Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Streetcar Named Desire: Research

As we continue the book jacket exploration, we're diving deeper into the analysis of our chosen books. Tennessee William's Streetcar Named Desire is a tragedy comprised of false realities, violent relationships, and tragic truths.

To create a foundation on which to design, we began this project by analyzing four of the main characters as well as the setting and two objects that are significant within the context of the book. We then presented these in class and critiqued each other in order to get further inspiration for designs.

Here's the link to my presentation (there's some hierarchy issues so you might have to zoom if you want to read the content, sorry about that): http://issuu.com/kwhiteman06/docs/kwhiteman_research

After the completion to that step, we looked at the moodboards we created for those characters, objects, and setting and revised them to articulate further a more concise feeling/mood. We did this by writing a "blurb" which is a couple of sentences that details just what exactly you are going to articulate through your design of each topic. We also did a couple of quick type studies to get a feel for how the title and author would interact with the rest of the design.

Blanche DuBois' Blurb

Blanche DuBois' Moodboard

Type Study 1

Type Study 2

Experimental Type Study

Stanley Kowalski's Blurb

Stanley Kowalski's Moodboard

Elysian Fields Blurb

Elysian Fields Moodboard

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