Thursday, September 22, 2011

Being Bold with IDEO

With the wrap up of project 1, comes the intro to project 2. Tim kicked off this new undertaking with a video on IDEO, an industrial design firm at the top of the industry's ladder. ABC gave the IDEO team a project similar to what we will be doing this next week: redesign a shopping cart in just 5 days. It was awesome to watch all these creative minds work together to accomplish something so innovative and intelligent.

I think the biggest thing I got out of watching the video was that it's okay to be bold. Throw out an impossible idea. Yes, it will probably never materialize, but it will lead you to bigger and better solutions, solutions you might never have thought of if you hadn't thrown out the impossible idea in the first place. So I made sure, at our brainstorming session for our soon-to-be-newly-designed broom, I threw out some impossible ideas. And who would have thought, they led us to bigger and better solutions. Now how about that.

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